Membership/Renewal Application Form
Do you love Laurel & Hardy? Then why not join the New York Founding Tent and enjoy fun and fellowship at our monthly meetings, where we show both favorite and rare films of Stan & Ollie, as well as of other comedians of the day. You’ll also receive your subscription to “The Intra-Tent Journal,” the Sons of the Desert newsletter. Plus, you’ll be put on our mailing list for important notifications and announcements from the New York tent.
Individual membership dues are $65.00 each annually; family membership is $80.00 per family. The membership period runs from January to December. Note: There are no meetings in July or August, with the exception of a make-up meeting in the event of cancellation due to bad weather.
If you would like to try us out, you are welcome to come once to a meeting for a $5.00 charge. This applies to your initial visit only. Should you then decide to join our tent, that charge will be deducted from your annual dues.
Download our 2025 membership/renewal application form today!